You are more than what you have become

Potential. With 2013 knocking on the door, that word has been rattling around in my head for the past few days. Of course most of the time it's a very positive thing. "You have so much potential! You can do it!"

But sometimes it comes off in just the opposite way. Frankly, the word haunts me. Remember the handwriting on the wall? God weighed the king's life in the balance and it was "found wanting." I believe the "balance" God was talking about was between what was and what could be. Which, by the way, is the very definition of the word potential, "possible as opposed to actual." Ouch. 

I love this scene from "The Lion King,"


Of course all of us are more than what we've allowed ourselves to become. We've made poor decisions, compromises along the way that have made us come up short, less than we could be. I'm particularly convicted about this fact now as we stand on the brink of a brand new year. I know I've been given so much. What have I done with it? Not as much as I could have. With all that is within me I want to close the gap between "possible" and "reality." 

Will 2013 be the year we make those changes that will allow us to realize more of our full potential? Here's to the journey! You do realize that we'll never arrive don't you? We'll never get to the point where folks stop saying "you've got so much potential" and begin to say "Stop! You're doing all you can!" 

Let's do it.


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