If you don't have outsiders…you can't have insiders. When you have those "secret" traditions that only tribe members know, it really tightens them and really makes them feel good about the tribe they're in.

A few days ago I drove my daughter Sophie down to Durango for a new job. On the way, we saw several motorcyclists enjoying beautiful day on the highway. I noticed "the wave." When these guys (and girls) would pass each other on the road, they'd simply hold out their left hand…down at a 45 degree angle. It didn't take long to recognize this as tribal behavior. If you wanted to be an insider…a real biker…all you had to do was flash the wave to the other bikers as they flew by in the other lane.
When I was at
Shepherd's Fold, we'd circle the wagons, hold hands and pray before every meal. The "Foldies" had developed what they called the "fold hold" when they held hands. Camp started on Sunday night with dinner and usually by lunch on Monday, everyone would have learned the fold hold. It was our version of the secret handshake. My kids do the hold everytime we hold hands. It's classic tribal stuff. I could describe it to you but…you're an outsider.
What are those things that campers or families do at your camp or conference center that you could begin to leverage to tighten your tribe. Do you have a camp song or a tradition that all the insiders know? Refer to it in your tribal communications or on your group FB page. This is the insider information that really brings your tribe together.
You will also notice that people that drive Jeeps, Wranglers especially, also have a “Wave” of understanding.