Making the choice to create instead of manufacture

This commercial for Sussex Safer Roads is a great example of using art to influence the marketplace.

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What a great commercial about the importance of using your seat belts. Who knew you could create such a beautiful piece on that topic? Art is everywhere to those who are bold enough to create instead of just manufacture. 

Here's my point; at some point the creators of this spot had a choice, they could just manufacture a standard spot about seat belts. They could've shown statistics about what happens in car crashes where seat belt aren't worn. They could've even shown gory pictures of crash scenes. But they made the conscious choice to make a piece of art. 

They made the choice to target the right side of the viewers brain with art rather than targeting the left side of the viewer's brain with charts and graphs. Brilliant.

I don't know the story behind the spot but I can almost guarantee the makers had to do overcome some obstacles. There were bound to be some in the board room who pushed hard for normal, for average, for the expected. It would be easier, cheaper and more predictable. But I'm glad they pushed through the resistance and created art instead of just manufacturing a formulaic, predictable commercial.

When you take the time to create instead of manufacture you'll always have to overcome resistance but when you are able to push through you'll always find better results. So don't just write copy or make a video or layout a brochure…CREATE!

(thanks to Jon for pointing to this incredible video)

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