His Arms Secure

I just recently got
a pretty interesting revelation having to do with worship, spiritual intimacy
and our dependence on God. I know I feel most like a dad when my kids really
need me. When my eight year-old son Jonah comes to me in the middle of the
night he literally draws that fatherhood thing out in me. When my wife really
needs me, she draws my calling as a husband out. These are more than roles I
play. They are calls on my life but sometimes it takes the need to really draw
that calling out.

I suppose you could
say the same thing about the story in the Bible of the woman who needed healing
and touched the hem of Jesus’s cloak. Her need drew out the healing call that
was on Jesus’s life.

In parenting, we
really try to move our kids toward more and more independence and we are proud
when we watch our kids do something without us for the first time whether is
taking the first step, reading that first page or getting that driver’s
But our relationship with God isn’t like that. I think that, if anything, we
prove our maturity by proving our DE-pendence on Him…our unrestrained
dependence. When we just admit that we can’t do it (or understand it) by
ourselves and we run to Him with our arms up in childlike surrender crying out
"Help!" His "Godness" is pulled out and rushes to our aid.
To the extent that you can apply human feelings to a super-natural God…I
think God "feels" most like God when we need Him most.
I wrote a piece that seems to depict my feelings so often as the untrusting,
uneasy, doubting Bride of Christ. Read it here…Download

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