Google tells a story

 In my opinion, Google posted the best commercial in last Sunday's Super Bowl. Their ad entitled "Parisian Love" is a must see. (for some reason they are not releasing their embed code so I can't show you here. You'll have to follow the link. But the advantage to that is, you'll be able to see several other Google "Search Stories.")

I love the line on their You Tube Channel page: "Every search is a quest. Every quest is a story. These videos show that anyone can do anything when paired with the power of search." Who da thunk it? Google actually romanticized the ho hum search function!

Dan Pink, in his book A Whole New Mind, tells us that the future belongs to the story tellers. And that future is now.

If a company like Google can take a simple run-of-the-mill practice like searching the web and turn it into a beautifully well-told story, why oh why are we not able to write better stories about the life-changing experiences that happen at camp? 

So what's the lesson of Parisian Love? It's time to begin to search out the stories. You need to be very intentional about capturing the stories of life change that happens at your camp or conference center. Create easy ways for your tribe to not only tell you their stories but also to share their stories with each other. A testimonial may create interest, but a story is on a whole other level. A story is a very powerful thing.

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One comment

  • Yeah, I’ve seen their post. It’s really the best commercial. As mentioned above, love this line too —> “Every search is a quest. Every quest is a story. These videos show that anyone can do anything when paired with the power of search.”
    Great post!


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