“The price of being a sheep is boredom. The price of being a wolf is loneliness. Choose one or the other with great care.”
I wonder…is there a middle ground?
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Ear to the ground
Storytelling is a tradition that holds us together. When we tell stories to our kids, those stories become like glue that cements us together. Telling stories reminds us of our past and reinforces our values, the things we hold as precious and true.
A Long Ride Home is exactly that kind of story. The book is about Billy Christian, who was abandoned by his parents and raised by his grandpa on the farm. He longs to escape life on the farm and become a cowboy like his uncle, whom he’s never met. A Long Ride Home follows Billy on his Destiny journey and is filled with intriguing characters and valuable life lessons, without being preachy or religious.
Reading this book together is destined to become a valued family tradition. Order today!
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