Tighten your tribe with tradition

Tossing fish2
One sure-fire way to build your brand and tighten your tribe is to design traditions into your program, then build on them every time you get together. Just like the fish mongers at the Pike Street Market in Seattle throw fish around, traditions are the strong threads that make your tribe feel special and feel close to one another and close to you.

Most of the best traditions just happen…they were never planned. You did something once and it worked out great so you repeated it. Then you repeated again. Before you knew it your tribe began to look forward to it. Then your tribe began to own the tradition and they would participate and spread it to others without even asking you!

Chances are, your camp has some great traditions, or at least some great activities that could be "traditioned" with very little effort. I'd encourage you to nurture that. Go with it. 

But what about those traditions that don't seem to pull the tribe together or seem long outdated? Get rid of them! But do it carefully. You never know when the sacred cows might rear their ugly heads.

Why is this whole subject so important? Because in these times it's going to be much more difficult to grow your tribe than it is to tighten your tribe. When you sing those songs or have that bonfire like the one at Deerfoot Lodge or have pancakes every Saturday morning during camp, you are doing those things that draw your tribe together. They rally around and say "This is what we do." "This is part of what makes 'us' us. And that's important. 

Believe me, I'm all for change. But sometimes too much change alienates the tribe. When your remove too many traditions you take away the "handles" that the tribe uses to hang on to and more importantly, you remove those things that your tribe likes to talk to outsiders about. When you change too much or change too often you keep your tribe off-balance and that's not good.

What's that song or skit or handshake or activity that everyone who's been to your camp can repeat with affection? Highlight it, feature it, refer to it in your copy. Draw your tribe close by giving them those traditions that make them feel good about being together.

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