It's March 19 and we've got 73 days until June 1. Just 73 days. What are you doing today to tighten your tribe and get them motivated and psyched up about not only coming to camp but to talking to their friends about coming with them?
Countdown to camp!
Back in the day…you send your brochure. Then maybe you send your brochure again to the same list. Then maybe one more time. Maybe you visit some of the churches who are your biggest fans and show the camp video (or slideshow!) and take registrations at the back table after the service. Maybe you have some desserts in some targeted neighborhoods, answering questions and hopefully taking some more registrations.
Don't get me wrong those are good things…but all those things are pretty expensive and time consuming. But hey…if those methods are still working for you then keep doing them. But what are you going to do you do if you're doing all that and more and your numbers are still slipping? You've got 73 days, just 73 days to figure it out.
Why not use a camp Facebook page to exite your tribe about the coming summer? Every day you could post new pics with construction progress on the new pool or the new cabins. You can update your status several times a day with tribal messages like "The Trading Post is getting a fresh coat of paint!" or "Hitting the staff recruiting trail…know anyone who is up to the Camp Pine Tree challenge?"
Communicating with your fans…your tribe…like this makes them feel like they are on the inside. And that's a powerful place to be. When you speak like this to your tribe you empower them and you are creating a tool they can use to help you spread the word. They'll love sending your Facebook group page link to a friend, telling them they need to join.
Do you think you don't have the time to keep up with Facebook? Well…those church visits and desserts take up a lot of time too and you seem to find the time to do that. Hey…I know it's a cliche but it's not about working harder. It's about working smarter. But you better hurry. You've only got 73 days.
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